Women Supporting Each Other

Zeina Dagher
6 min readMar 15, 2021

“I wish that more women realized that helping another woman win, cheering her on, praying for her, or sharing a resource with her does not take away from the blessings coming to them. In fact, the more you give, the more you receive. Empowering women doesn’t come from selfishness but rather from selflessness.” — Selene Kinder

Happy International Women’s Day! It is not late. Women’s day is an everyday event….

It is always refreshing to send out reminders to the world for the importance of taking care and supporting each other. However, the support needs to go on all year long. As such, I would not call it a reminder, I would consider it a day to celebrate our continuous annual support for one other.

If you think that you are entitled to rights, then you must treat others rightly.

I have worked in the corporate world for two decades and had my encounters with both men and women. One would assume that it would be easier around women since they understand each other and would naturally support each other. Nonetheless, most of my female colleagues were merely concerned with their success and were ready to do anything, even if it entailed stepping on others, to get to where they wanted. To me, their ethics and values were in question. It can get nasty.

To be fair, the only time I ever felt supported was during the time I worked in one of the Investment Banks. My boss was a female. She was with me every step of the way, always had may back, and lifted me the entire time. This lady never ceased to support me professionally and mentally. Our relationship grew with time and she later became one of my closest friends.

There is nothing more compelling than an arm of another female extended towards another.

If we go back in time and dig deep in history, we will always find at least one woman who stood behind a powerful man or, even greater, behind an empire. Women realistically ruled the world. Imagine them getting together now and supporting each other — we will see wonders.

When we talk about support, our minds are automatically directed to women empowerment. But there is more to it. Women advancement, for instance, is one way to support other women and should be focused on. As the number of female entrepreneurs is growing rapidly in the world, it is crucial that each one of them comes up with a way to create opportunities for other women, especially the vulnerable or disadvantaged ones. It is imperative to develop their skills and enable them to contribute to themselves, their families and to their societies. All over the world women can benefit from learning new skills and be given the opportunity to grow and earn their living. It is a ripple effect. These same women will then extend help to other women around them and the circle will get bigger and bigger.

Supporting another woman does not require you to be in a leadership role, rich, or powerful. Every woman has something to offer.

So, what are some ways you can do to support the woman next to you?

1- Treat her the way you want to be treated

Kindness is crucial, but if you truly want to know how other people are treating you, start by looking at how you treat others.

In addition to practicing kindness, start shifting your views and your attitude. For instance, try feeling for her the way you want others to feel about you, or speaking to her the way you want to be spoken to, or think of her the way you want others to think of you.

Remember, just like you, she too is a human being who is entitled to appreciation and respect. She too sometimes needs someone to rely on. She too could use the support. Do not deny her this right.

2- Do not compare yourself to her

There is always someone who is better or worse than you.

Comparing yourself to her is nothing but toxic for the relationship. Each woman has her uniqueness and you do not know the whole story about her life. You will do yourself no good if your comparison is rooted from jealousy and you will do her no good if you look down at her.

Show up with the best intentions. Treat her as your equal. Know that when you unite, there is always room for both of you to learn and benefit from each other.

3- Encourage and uplift her

We all need to be encouraged, respected, forgiven, understood, and provided knowledge.

Encourage her to step up, engage, and be the leader of herself. Be her positive influence. Understand where she is coming from. All she may need is a positive energy to elevate her mood or to help her step up her game.

More than ever, we are now surrounded by egotistical, self-absorbed, uncaring human beings filled with negativity and relentlessness to tear down others. If you aim to make a constructive difference in this world, be aware of your actions and do not be one of them. Show up every day and be the positive change.

4- Share your knowledge and experience with her

The way to the top is not paved with flowers.

All of us have gone through hardships and have a story to share at some point in our lives.

Be honest about your story, share your experiences with her. Tell her your story with its ups and downs. She can learn from your mistakes and successes. She will relate to you. You may lift her spirits and inspire her to continually improve and be the best version of herself.

5- Donate your ears

Listen to her with curiosity and make room for your relationship to grow.

Sometimes, all we want is to be heard, acknowledged, and appreciated. Let her know that you got her back. Hold space for her and be there for her without judgement. Accept her truth no matter what it is. Just allow her to be who she is.

6- Value and celebrate her

You become a star when you can be a part of another person’s happiness.

Celebrating her success will give her more power and will give you happiness. Your success will not be devalued by her success. Remember, her achievements are yours and yours are hers.

7- Show her how amazing she is

Accept her just the way she is.

Respect her beliefs and, again, appreciate where she is coming from. All you have to do is to acknowledge that we all have our difference, we come from different backgrounds, and we have our strengths and weaknesses. After all, her strengths may be your weaknesses.

And the list goes on…

I heard a lady once say, “Share Power Not Empower”. This resonated with me. I have the power; all I need is to be granted the opportunity and space to share it with you. So, be a woman who shares to lift other women.

It is about time all women unite and start supporting each other. This, by far, will be the most valuable gift we can give each other. Keep in mind that one woman’s success is success for all women.

In a world dominated by envy, hatred, and cruelty, the last thing we need is to tear each other down. Be the light for another woman through your genuine intentions, kindness, and compassion. Remember that this woman is your mother, your sister, your daughter, your friend, your neighbor, your colleague, the lady next door… this woman is YOU. Be selfless with your relationship with her. Replace your ego with your heart and soul.



Zeina Dagher

Never give up on your yourself, no matter how long it takes. Patience and perseverance are key to achieving your goals.